This list summarizes some of the issues that matter to Mike Sanders. If these issues matter to you, please vote to seat Mike on the LISD Board of Trustees.
- Focus on student academic success and move away from social indoctrination of students.
- Grading systems should be restored to A,B,C,D,F grades and when a student is performing below grade level, that should be clearly communicated to the parents rather than using labels such as "approaching grade level". Classes should not be "dumbed down" to bring education down to the level of the lowest performing students in a class.
- Establish policies to prevent the sexualization of elementary age school children. No adult should talk to other people's children about sex acts. Hallways should not be adorned with images designed to groom children toward embracing deviant sexual preferences.
- Provide oversight to the Superintendent to remove the obscene and pornographic books from our classrooms. If materials are too obscene to be read aloud by the Superintendent in a Board meeting, then those materials are too obscene to be in our schools.
- Return our school district to a state of financial responsibility and provide property tax relief to our taxpayers. Create balanced budgets and bring an end to sinking our school district deeper and deeper into debt every year.
- Put measures in place to stop bullying on our campuses. No victim should have to return to school the next day to face the bully who just struck him/her the day prior. Any bully who resorts to violence needs to be separated from other students for at least a week.
- Put a stop to kids engaging in sexual activity in school bathrooms. Any student engaging in public indecency of this type needs to face discipline that involves the police and includes removal from school for at least a week. It is vital that parents need to be informed of the behavior their children have engaged in.
- Teachers should not be required to teach falsehoods to students. A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. No teacher should be forced to call a boy a girl or vice versa. English grammar has rules for pronouns and educators should teach those grammatical rules accurately without deception.
- Boys should not be allowed to compete against girls in sports that are designated as girls sports, whether or not that boy chooses to wear dresses or paint mascara or lipstick onto his face. No boy should be allowed into girls restrooms or showers, and no girl should be allowed into boys restrooms or showers.
- Children should not be taught that their skin is something to be despised or something to be ashamed of. Kids should not be taught that skin color imparts privilege to anyone or that skin color prevents anyone from having a successful life. Racism has no place in our society. No matter the color of our skin, we all have the same Creator, and we are all given individual gifts by His hand including black or white or brown skin. No child should be made to feel ashamed of his or her skin color or to judge others based on the color of their skin.
- The current LISD Trustees have been unable to create a balanced budget for years. Every year my opponent raises our property taxes and every year she sinks us deeper and deeper into debt. Currently LISD owes $2.6 Billion in debt. We need to elect new Trustees who can create a balanced budget while at the same time reducing the excessive property taxes being imposed on property owners in our school district.
12. Support our Teachers! Provide relief to educators from the numerous responsibilities that distract them from their main job which is educating our children.
- Educators should not be required to spend their lunch hour watching over kids in the cafeteria. That type of task should be handled by others. It does not require a college degree to stand watch in the hallways or cafeteria.
- Allow teachers to maintain discipline in their classrooms. Educators should not be forced to endure disrespectful behaviors. No employee should be required to endure humiliation while at work.
- Allow teachers to give failing grades to children who will not do their work. Do your best to help kids excel and provide every opportunity for their success, but if a child will not put forth the effort to receive a passing grade, don't give that child a passing grade.
- Stop taking online surveys of children and stop sending their personal data to third-party corporations.
- Listen to educators concerns and implement changes that will encourage educators not to leave their profession. LISD lost several hundred teachers this year.
- Provide appropriate compensation to those educators who have years of experience and have demonstrated excellent results.